Need help?
People who experience anxiety and depression often try to hide the symptoms from close family and friends and it's vital to recognise these signs early, so please learn these from our Awareness page.
Our role and the NHS
The Matthew Elvidge Trust can't provide advice about personal situations. However, if you, or anyone you know, is feeling anxious and depressed, it is most important that you seek professional help quickly.
We have listed below a number of organisations, who are able to provide help and support, but their services are intended to supplement and not replace professional advice through your GP and other services provided by the National Health Service.
Support Organisations
The Matthew Elvidge Trust doesn't recommend or endorse any particular organisation and can't guarantee that the organisation will be able to help with your particular situation; however, we do hope that the organisations we list will be able to provide the right support.
Please use the filters below to help find the right support and click on the organisation's logo to find all relevant contact details.