Matthew Elvidge


National Strategy 

The Trust plays an important role in advising the Government on suicide prevention, bereavement support and young people’s mental health.

We achieve this by being a member of the National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group run by the Department of Health and chaired by Professor Louis Appleby.

The Group is the key advisor on the Government’s revised National Suicide Prevention Strategy published in September 2012 and refreshed in 2017.

Select Committee Inquiry 2016/17

In late 2016/early 2017 we provided written and oral evidence to the Health Select Committee Inquiry into suicide prevention and here is a copy of our Initial Submission (PDF - September 2016) and Oral Hearing Submission  (PDF - January 2017) to the Committee.

National Suicide Prevention Alliances

We were also one of the founding co-chairs of the National Suicide Prevention Alliance(NSPA)) (2013-2016), which was formed in 2013. The NSPA is an alliance of public, private and voluntary organisations who are willing to take action to reduce suicide and support those who are bereaved or affected by suicide. We continue to be a member of the Steering Group.

We also co-chair The Alliance of (small) Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC). This was formed in 2013 and brings together 20 charities that work in this field to share information and resources, collaborate, learn from each other and influence policy makers.


Over the last few years we have been involved in developing the Consensus Statement on Confidentiality and presented at the Royal College of Psychiatrists and GPs 2017 Annual Conferences to encourage health professionals to involve trusted families, friends and carers in the assessment, care and support of people with mental health problems.

Local Authority Suicide Prevention Plans

One of the main ways that we can achieve a real reduction in the number of suicides in the UK is for every local authority to develop and implement an effective local suicide prevention plans in line with the National Strategy, supported by multidisciplinary prevention teams and suicide audits.

Over the last 12 months we have been involved with Public Health England and the NSPA in developing resources for local authorities to support them in developing plans, which include:

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